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Consistency in Laws- Kelli believes that what is good for one is good for all when it comes to how our city engages with our citizens, politicians, businesses, and non-profits. There should be no favorites or any special rules for anyone.

Community Engagement/ More Events for our residents of all ages- Kelli believes it is important to have a sense of community and to work hard to keep the small town feel that many have moved to Orange City for.  She knows the increasing development makes this challenging. That is why she holds many events, such as Schools Out Fest, Breakfast with Santa, and an all-ages Easter Egg Hunt, through her non-profit organizations, Backpack Buddies. Kelli would love to see events for our seniors, veterans and our families in Orange City. Let's get back to knowing our neighbors and supporting each other.

Spending Our Tax Dollars Responsibly- As a resident and a homeowner, Kelli understands that none of us want to see tax increases. If there are increases in the future, she believes the people of Orange City deserve to know exactly where their money is going.  Her goal is to keep residents educated and informed. In 2023, she was proud to say that Orange City was able to adopt a “roll back based budget” through fiscal responsibility. Although Orange City taxes are one of the highest in Volusia County, Kelli believes that we are fortunate to have our own Police and Fire in our city, giving our residents top-notch services.

Supporting Public Safety- Kelli holds the Orange City Police Department and Fire Departments in high regard. Our public servants work long hours for a modest paycheck. They often put their lives at risk to protect the citizens. Kelli strongly supports initiatives to help make their job easier and safe for all.  Kelli has family members who have served in both departments and her goal is to stay connected with the needs of our public servants.

Responding to Residents Needs Quickly- Kelli has visited residents in their homes and places of employment to hear concerns, helped search for lost dogs, had potholes filled on a holiday so that residents' cars didn't  sustain damage, and always returns phone calls or emails. She believes strongly that she is a servant to the public and as such, is responsive as possible to their needs.

Smart and Responsible Development-  Kelli is passionate about the history of Orange City. She believes it is important to maintain a small town feel that emphasizes our unique history. And although growth may be inevitable, it should be done in a way that is in the best interests of ALL members of the community.

No Empty Promises- Kelli will never promise something she can’t deliver! Kelli will tell you what she will try to do, and then do what it takes to get the job done!


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